It's ironic, isn't it?
Before we have kids, we don't learn about parenting.
And after we have kids, who has the time?
Technically, we're doing the hardest job on the planet - raising human beings - with little or no prior training, some hearsay knowledge and a lot of 'gut feeling'!
It’s no wonder we feel so overwhelmed and frustrated so often, in spite of having the best intentions in our hearts.

Confident Parenting Is a Learned Skill, Not an Innate Talent

We don't expect our kids to automatically know how to ride a bike, read a book or tie their shoelaces on their own...
Why then do we expect ourselves to automatically know all about raising tiny little human beings to be happy, compassionate, successful adults, without any training or support?
If you're struggling with parenting, it's not because you're a bad parent.
If you feel overwhelmed, it's not because you're incapable.
If you feel like you're failing your kids, it does not mean you're a failure!
It just means it's time to pick up some new skills and better support!
Because when you have the best support for yourself, you can give the best support to your kids!
What if there was ONE place you could go for trusted parenting information from multiple vetted experts?
What if there was ONE place where you could ask proven parenting professionals questions specific to your situation and get answers?
What if there was ONE place where you could connect with other like-minded parents who understand what you are going through and are happy to share helpful strategies and solutions that have worked for them?
Thankfully there IS such a place!
The AFineParent Academy

The AFineParent Academy is a Positive Parenting community designed specifically to provide THREE key elements of support for dedicated, growth-minded parents like you:
We've collected the most effective parenting tools and insights from 102 popular parenting and personal development books into quick hour-long masterclasses for you to watch while you do your chores! Learning and growing as a parent couldn't be easier!
You get to be part of a private Facebook group of like-minded committed parents just like you. No matter where you are in your parenting journey and what you are going through, we get you and we've got your back! This is a place you will fit right in.
You get ongoing support from knowledgeable experts through twice-a-month coaching calls. With decades of experience working with parents and kids, our guest experts are uniquely positioned to help you become "unstuck" no matter your situation or your kids' ages!
Here Are the Masterclasses You Can Watch At Any Time When You Become a Member

Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Conscious Parenting Masterclass

Dr. Laura Markham
Peaceful Parenting

Dr. Tina Bryson
Power of Showing Up

Hal Runkel
Screamfree Parenting

Dr. Daniel J. Siegel
The Whole Brain Child Masterclass

Shawn Achor
The Science of Happiness Masterclass

James Clear
Behavior Change

Joanna Faber & Julie King
Parenting 2-7 Year Olds

Dr. Ross Greene
Collaborative & Proactive Solutions Masterclass

Julie Lythcott-Haims
Fostering Independence Masterclass

Dr. Mary Kurcinka
Parenting Spirited Kids

Lynn Lyons
Breaking Free from Anxiety Masterclass

Dr. Rick Hanson
Hardwiring Happiness Masterclass

Dr. Lawrence Cohen
Playful Parenting Masterclass

Greg McKeown
Essentialism Masterclass

Dr. Peg Dawson
Executive Skills Masterclass

Dr. Carla Naumburg
Managing Our Triggers Masterclass

Rachel Macy Stafford
Hands Free

Ned Johnson
Inner Drive in Kids Masterclass

Jamie C. Martin
Introverted Mom Masterclass

Dr. Deborah MacNamara
Making Sense of Preschoolers Masterclass

Simone Davies
Montessori Toddler Masterclass

Michelle Icard
Tween & Teen Communication Masterclass

Iris Chen

Patricia Wilkinson
Brain Stages

Dr. Tamar Chansky
Reducing Negative Thinking

Lynn Lyons
Anxiety Audit

Penny Williams
Parenting a Child with ADHD

Nicole Schwarz
Grace-Based Parenting

Cath Hakanson
Puberty Guide

Linda Akeson McGurk
Get Kids Outside

Julie Lythcott-Haims
Adulting Tools

Dr. Daniel J. Siegel
Parenting Adolescents Masterclass

Dr. Carla Naumburg
Self-Compassion Masterclass

Will Bowen
Complaint-Free Parenting Masterclass

Hunter Clarke-Fields
Parenting and Mindfulness Masterclass

Dr. Vanessa Lapointe
Discipline Without Damage Masterclass

Julie King
Communication Tools Masterclass

Aubrey Hargis
Toddler Discipline Masterclass

Renee Jain
Transforming Anxiety Masterclass

Natasha Daniels
Anxiety in Teens Masterclass

Dr. William Stixrud
Nonanxious Parenting

Dr. Lawrence Cohen
Dive Into Roughhousing Masterclass

Arlene Pellicane
Screen Kids

Mark Wolynn
Inherited Family Trauma Masterclass

Dr. Mona Delahooke
Understanding Behaviors Masterclass

Janine Halloran
Social Skills for Kids Masterclass

Audrey Monke
Camp-Inspired Parenting

Kim John Payne
Handling Stress in Children Masterclass

Dr. Michele Borba
Raising Empathetic Kids Masterclass

Dr. William Stixrud
Self-Driven Child Masterclass

Dr. Kathy Koch
Multiple Intelligences Masterclass

Jessica Lahey
School Success Masterclass

Dr. Laura Markham
Sibling Rivalry Masterclass

Betsy Brown Braun
Brat-Proofing Kids Masterclass

Dayna Abraham
Kids Activities & Games Masterclass

Amy McCready
Me, Me, Me Epidemic Masterclass

Patty Wipfler
Listening Partnerships Masterclass

Judy Arnall
Positive Discipline Tools Masterclass

Pam Leo
Decoding a Child’s Needs Masterclass

Dr. Tina Bryson
The Yes Brain

Casey O'Roarty
Managing Our Emotions

Alissa Marquess
Connection Rituals Masterclass

Dr. Victoria Dunckley
Screen Reset

Dr. Devorah Heitner
Navigating the Digital World Masterclass

KJ Dell’Antonia
Happier Parenting Masterclass

Dr. Peter Gray
The Free Play

Lenore Skenazy
Free Range Kids Masterclass

Rebecca Eanes
Solution-Oriented Discipline Masterclass

Dr. Laura Markham
Staying Connected With Kids Masterclass

Mercedes Samudio
Removing Shame from Parenting Masterclass

Ramona Zabriskie
“Forever” Relationships Masterclass

Dr. Becky Bailey
Conscious Discipline Masterclass

Maryann Jacobsen
Parenting Picky Eaters Masterclass

Amy Morin
Mental Strength Masterclass

Dr. Melanie Greenberg
Managing Parenting Stress Masterclass

Dr. Deborah Gilboa
Teaching Kids Responsibilities Masterclass

Susan Greenland
Mindful Games for Kids Masterclass

Leeza Steindorf
Conflict Resolution Masterclass

Holly D. Reid
Money Lessons for Kids Masterclass

Heather Shumaker
Renegade Parenting Masterclass

Susan Stiffelman
Getting Kids to Cooperate Masterclass

Katie Hurley
No More Mean Girls Masterclass

Douglas Haddad
Self-Motivated Kids Masterclass

Katie Hurley
Raising Assertive Kids Masterclass

Lori Lite
Handling School Stress Masterclass

Dr. Laura Markham
Emotionally Intelligent Parent Masterclass

Jessica Joelle Alexander
Danish Way of Parenting Masterclass

Roma Khetarpal
Non-Verbal Communication Masterclass

Jennifer Lehr
Positive Encouragement Masterclass

Suzi Lula
Handling Mom Guilt Masterclass

Sheila McCraith
Stop Yelling at Kids Masterclass

Tosha Schore

Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore
Getting Kids to Cooperate Masterclass

Tracy Cutchlow
"Say What You See" Masterclass

Kate Orson
Responding to Tears Masterclass

Janine Halloran
Coping Skills for Anxious Kids Masterclass

Ariadne Brill
Time In
Our Experts Have Been Featured In

And the Best Part About The AFineParent Academy is...

It’s Easy! No more spiraling down the social media rabbit hole looking for parenting tips and strategies. No more wild-goose-chase Google searches seeking solutions to your tough parenting challenges. You'll have the best ideas from 100+ highly rated parenting books at your fingertips in the form of concise hour-long masterclasses. And you're all set!

It’s Convenient! You get INSTANT access to our full library of masterclasses. Watch them whenever you need them, wherever you want, and in any order. Plus, you get downloadable mp3 audio for all masterclasses so you can listen while doing chores, commuting, or exercising. And printable transcript files if you prefer to read! No matter what your preference, where you live, or what specific challenges you face... you will always have a way to get quick, timely answers!

It’s an unbeatable value! For the cost of ONE fast food family meal each month, you get insights, strategies and support for your parenting that can have a transformational impact on your whole family which will last for generations!
Great Parents are Made, Not Born!

You can be the calm, confident, happy and supportive parent you always wanted to be.
You can create a family where kids cooperate because they want to and not because they're afraid of threats and punishment.
You can weather the storms of everyday living with your toddlers, preschoolers, little kids, tweens and eventually even teens with respect, kindness and dignity.
You can raise happy, well-adjusted and successful adults.
All you need are the right tools and the right support, and we've put it together for you!
Here is What Our Current Members Are Saying...
As a mum myself and in my work as a child psychologist it has been invaluable and very inspiring for me. I’ve learned so much from all the masterclasses and expert calls and I love the way you lead those. You always seem very well prepared, asking great questions and making to the point summaries. I also love your enthusiasm and the personal touch by sharing your own experiences as a mum. So a big heartfelt thank you from me.
-Merel D.

I love the accessibility of the masterclasses. Whenever I have an issue, I search the masterclasses and inevitably find something to learn from and to be inspired by. It's great to have access to fantastic professionals who really know their stuff!
- Anonymous Parent in an Academy Survey

Being a member in the Academy has been life changing for me. I have boys 7 & 9 years old. I decided to invest time into this platform to save my sanity. It has been the best purchase I have made as a parent this year. My whole family is benefiting from my investment.
- Laura P.

The Academy has been life-saving for us. The classes have completely changed us and is helping us SOOOOO much. I can’t even relay. We are barely yelling anymore, and are finding our way on this positive parenting path! Thank you.
- Sarah P.

I just wanted to say that your discussion with Hal Runkel was amazing. It really gave me such insight and a feeling of confidence about parenting. Everything he said made sense. Thank you so much!
- Priscilla K.

I cannot express how grateful I am to you for these masterclasses. Just the few I have watched so far have helped my family so much. I knew what I didn't want to do anymore as a parent and was struggling with what to do instead. These have been spot on for who I want to be as a parent.
-Jen C.

I LOVE having all this advice in ONE spot!The calibre and variety of the experts are phenomenal. I always feel like a better parent after having spent time with A Fine Parent before time with my daughter. THANK YOU!
-Anonymous Parent in an Academy Survey

Thank you for creating this community. It's like I've arrived in a village and known -this- is where I belong.
-Catherine K.

Thank you for all your work regarding A Fine Parent Academy. It is a wonderful program! I have learnt so much and I am sure it is something that I can apply to several aspects of my life beyond parenthood.
-Tamara F.

Join AFineParent Academy today and get QUICK PRACTICAL solutions to ALL your parenting issues!
Beyond the masterclasses, get direct, real-time help from a wide range of parenting experts, and other like-minded parents!
Ask Our Experts All of YOUR Questions!
Two times a month we bring in experts on live zoom calls to answer your questions and help you get unstuck.
Attend as many calls as you want! And if you can’t make it to a live call, no worries! We record all the calls so you can watch them at any time, plus we post the highlights, so you can easily skip right to the help you need.
Here’s a sample of some of our recent calls:

Arlene Pellicane
Spotlight Session:
Kids and Screens

Emily Learing
Spotlight Session:
Raising Strong-Willed Kids

Lynn Lyons
Spotlight Session:
Handling Worry & Anxiety

Heather Davis
Spotlight Session:
Raising Confident Kids

Dr. Tina Bryson
Neuroscience Basics for Parents

Suzanne Tucker
Sibling Rivalry

Holly Reid
Raising Money-Smart Kids

Casey O'Roarty
Parenting Styles
Plus, We make every masterclass and coaching call in the Academy easily searchable!
That’s right! Not only do you get instant access to all our past call recordings when you join, but…
You will have this massive searchable knowledge base of relevant parenting wisdom at your fingertips!
Connect with Your Tribe of Like-Minded Parents

Since we started the Academy back in 2020, our members have told us over and over that the masterclasses with renowned psychologists and child behavior professionals have made a profoundly positive impact on their parenting approach…
And getting answers to their own specific parenting questions from proven experts was a game-changer for getting "unstuck" when they felt trapped in challenging parenting situations…
What they found equally helpful was being able to connect with other in-the-trenches parents just like them with whom they could share their troubles, celebrate their #LittleVictories or just vent, without any fear of judgment!
This is where our private Academy Facebook Group comes in.
It's a safe haven where you can glean advice (or give it!), learn a new tactic (or share one!), or simply chat and laugh about the weird and wonderful world of parenting with other like-minded parents, knowing that no matter what, they get you and they'll always have your back!
Just Watching ONE Masterclass and Attending ONE Call Each Month Pays for Your Membership
Everything Else is Icing on the Cake!
You could go it alone...
You could read 100+ parenting books in your “spare time”...
You could search Google for days on end, sifting through thousands of sites for answers to your parenting questions...
You could keep struggling on your own going through countless cycles of trial and error…
You could join the 1,000’s parents who are already members of the Academy and get:

Those same parenting books in an easy-to-digest masterclass format

Practical and trusted parenting information curated and collected in one place

A ready-made community of friendly, helpful parents willing to share their struggles and successes so that everyone can learn, laugh, and benefit!

Let's Recap!
When you join the Academy you'll receive instant access to all the learning and support you need to be the exceptional parent you've always wanted to be, so you can support your kids in the way they need!

102 Expert Masterclasses each based on a popular book on parenting or personal development (With a conservative estimate of $37/masterclass, this is a $3,774 value)

2 Live Coaching Calls Each Month with professionals specializing in different fields of parenting (Again, with a conservative estimate of $37/call, this is an ongoing $74 value each month)

Private Facebook Group to connect with other like-minded parents (priceless )

BONUS: Searchable Knowledge Base of Relevant Parenting Information. Not only do we upload recordings of every single coaching call and masterclass, but we also make it easily searchable so you can look for solutions in a pinch! (a $497 value)

BONUS: Downloadable audio files and transcripts for all masterclasses and coaching calls so you can learn as you go about your chores or exercising, and read while you commute! (a $397 value)

BONUS: One NEW Quick Action Plan each week, based on a masterclass or a coaching call, so you can keep making continuous improvement in your parenting even when you are super busy! (a $197 value)

BONUS: Additional "Surprises” Throughout The Year. We love spoiling you with surprises! So we send you additional workshops, printables, quizzes, quick wins tips and more, multiple times a year. (How can we even estimate the value of this?!)
This makes everything (that we can estimate the value of)
over $4,900! ($4,939 to be exact!)
And you can get it all for as little as $1.10 a day!
Join the AFineParent Academy NOW!
And give yourself the gift of this incredible one-of-a-kind support
Monthly Membership
per month
(Billed Monthly)
No Contracts. Cancel Anytime.
Quarterly Membership
per month
(Billed Every 3 Months)
No Contracts. Cancel Anytime.
You're Busy. We Get It.
That's Why We Designed the AFineParent Academy to Fit A Busy Parent's Schedule...
We have no fixed "Course Schedule" or "Timetable" that you have to follow.
Folding laundry?

Play any masterclass as you fold and pick up powerful parenting insights while finishing up a chore! (You can do the same while cooking, exercising, long commutes, dog walks and more!)
Got a few minutes until the baby wakes up, or kids get back from school?

Open up the members-only private group and catch up with your new BFFs.
Have an hour you can set aside for personal growth twice a month?

Add the coaching calls to your calendar.
Want answers in a pinch?

Search our extensive knowledge base to pull up exactly what you need.
Mix and match things in ANY WAY that fits your life. That is the beauty of the Academy!
It all boils down to this...

Would you rather sleep easy knowing you have access to the best parenting help on the planet?
Or, scramble madly when things go boom?
Because children are curious, and on a never ending quest to learn and discover.
So they WILL test boundaries. And push limits. And break rules.
You can let this drive you up a wall.
Or, you can learn to join them in their journey, and support them in becoming amazing, confident, well-adjusted human beings.
Even when things go boom.
Let us show you how!
Join the AFineParent Academy NOW!
And give yourself the gift of this incredible one-of-a-kind support
Monthly Membership
per month
(Billed Monthly)
No Contracts. Cancel Anytime.
Quarterly Membership
per month
(Billed Every 3 Months)
No Contracts. Cancel Anytime.
Frequently Asked Questions
All our masterclass and coaching calls are typically around 60 minutes long.
Each masterclass captures the best ideas from the book that inspired it. In many cases, they are organized into smaller sections of 20-30 minutes each so you can consume them more easily.
The Q&A calls are 60-minutes but you can drop in and out at any time if it overlaps with other engagements.
Most of the ideas we cover – positive discipline, habits, values, life skills, findings of latest research etc. – apply to most kids in the birth - 13 years age bracket. That said, some of the ways to implement these ideas differ for different age groups, and we cover those with specific examples within the masterclasses and calls. So for instance, if we're talking about chores and teaching kids how to take responsibility, our expert will have specific examples for you for each of the different age groups.
We are extremely picky about the experts we invite and vet them exhaustively. Consequently, all our experts are highly respected in their fields, and have published books, some of which are international bestsellers. Most of them are also practicing clinicians, psychologists, professors and counselors with years (if not decades) of experience working with parents and/or kids. And all of them are also parents, so they know both professionally and personally what it takes to turn all that knowledge into practical strategies that busy parents can put to use right away!
If you are looking for the most practical, research-backed, well-organized information that can help your whole family thrive, you'll be hard-pressed to find anything like this anywhere else.
All masterclasses are pre-recorded.
The coaching calls are live, but we will also record them.
We provide the recordings (for both the masterclasses and the Q&A calls) in 3 different formats -- streaming video, downloadable audio, and either a printable transcript or a summary -- so you can match it to your learning style (and your mood at any given time )!
Send us an email at support and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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