Become the calm, confident, happy and supportive parent you always wanted to be.

The Complete


Transformation Program

  • Create a family where kids cooperate voluntarily
  • Weather the storms of everyday living with respect, kindness and dignity (whether you have toddlers, little kids, tweens or teens!)
  • Raise happy, well-adjusted and successful adults, who'll stay closely connected to you even after they leave your nest!

What Would It Mean To You If…

  • Your kids listened to you without nagging, yelling, or monster power struggles.
  • There was less backtalk, defiance and "bratty" behavior in your family.
  • You didn’t feel exhausted, overwhelmed and at the brink of losing your sanity all the time.
  • You knew exactly how to handle whatever your kids (and life in general!) threw at you.
  • Parenting stopped being an uphill battle, and “parenting guilt” was a thing of the past.
  • And you finally stopped worrying about how your child’s life will be when they grow up!

What would it mean for you and your kids to have a calm, peaceful, happy family?

Embrace the Positive Parenting Path That Has Helped Thousands of Parents In Our Community Achieve All of This And More!

  • Discover an easy quality to your relationship with your kids.
  • Teach your kids essential life skills such as resilience, grit, growth mindset, positive attitude, confidence and healthy self-esteem.
  • Instill a strong moral compass so your kids do the right thing even when no one is looking.
  • Enjoy parenting and find it fulfilling!
  • Have the space and energy to be a person with hobbies and a life, beyond being just a “mom” or a “dad” 24X7!
  • Banish the fear of judgment, the sense of inadequacy, and the pressure to get it right all the time.

Learn how to OWN your parenting, confidently make the RIGHT decisions for yourself and your family, and gain back CONTROL of your life!!

Maggie S.

I watched the videos... All I can say is WOW. We've started applying many of the ideas and principles I learned at home this week and have already noticed a huge shift for the better. You are doing amazing work, Sumitha. Thank you.

Eric T.

When I started on this peaceful parenting journey my kids were 3 and 5, and it often felt like chaos. I felt like I could never get enough of those wonderful tips and precious learning. Now they are 10 and 13 and life is good, more peaceful and full of fun and connection.

Kristine W.

Thank you for putting this together! This is literally the answer to my prayers! I don't feel hopeless anymore and I don't feel like I'm doing a horrible job as a parent. I've learned so much already and am excited to learn more! 

Here’s Why Most Parents Feel Stuck…

Most of us jump into parenting with ZERO practice or training. Which means:

  • We have no clue about what makes kids tick or how they learn. (Sadly, kids are NOT mini-adults!)
  • We have no idea about effectively disciplining kids for best long-term results.
  • The world is moving at a breakneck speed and there’s so much pressure on us.
  • And we have to learn how to deal with all of this QUICKLY while juggling family life, social life and careers.

So what do we do?

We jump into trial-and-error mode!

Or, default to parenting the way we were raised 20, 30 or 40 years ago, even though some of it feels flat out wrong!

The problem is…

We only have 18 years with our kids! 

How much of it do you want to waste on ineffective techniques that result in resentment instead of loving, supportive relationships?

The Complete Positive Parenting Transformation (CPPT) Program Will Help You Get UNSTUCK!

The Complete Positive Parenting Transformation Program includes the LARGEST collection of proven positive parenting strategies and tools that you’ll ever find in one place.

Our practical, research-backed strategies and tools are easily accessible through a simple framework, and explained with relatable real-life examples, so you know exactly how to integrate them in YOUR family.

Get the support you need for a LIFETIME!

From the moment you join us until your children grow up and leave the nest - and even beyond until someday you are a grandparent, and the cycle starts all over again - we have your back!

What the CPPT covers…

As a program designed specifically for busy parents, CPPT includes quick, easy-to-consume, 5-10 minute video lessons in 10 self-paced, info-packed modules that use our FAST Framework!

Foundational Principles of Positive Parenting

We’ve condensed the ideas from over 100 parenting books into 6 core principles, so that you can build your transformation on a rock-solid foundation, without having to WADE through a whole bunch of theory and background information!



This is the lynch pin of your Positive Parenting transformation because you’ll learn how to QUICKLY assess a tricky parenting situation, and your response to it, without having to spiral down a rabbit hole of uncertainty, doubt, confusion, guilt or shame!

Strategies and Tools to transform your parenting

Get access to 43 practical Strategies and Tools that you can start using RIGHT AWAY! It's a comprehensive parenting toolkit that you can start using instantly, and continue to use  as your kids grow up and throw new curve balls your way!

Jana W.

I always wanted to be a kind, calm, compassionate parent, but the reality is I have a long way to go. I appreciate the trainings you have put together. They have helped me so much! Thanks for sharing this goodness, I need it and our world needs it!

Jen. C.

Just the few [videos] I have watched so far have helped my family so much! I knew what I didn't want to do anymore as a parent and was struggling with what to do instead. These masterclasses have been spot on for who I want to be as a parent. Thank you so much!

Jo D.

I subscribe to things and then I unsubscribe because it stops being relevant. But with A Fine Parent I'm still here! I'm a parent everyday and the content you share is just great. Really helpful, great ideas, informative and useful.

Here’s What You’ll Learn



Grab a cup of coffee or tea and settle in to meet Leah, your course leader, and get a high-level overview of our FAST Framework. It’s natural to feel intimidated when starting something new, but our FAST Framework will make this whole process straightforward and easy!


Foundational Principles

As any toddler can tell you, it’s essential to ask “WHY?” In this Module you’ll learn the 6 Core Principles that form the bedrock of positive parenting. Once you grasp these, following the Positive Parenting path becomes a heck of a lot easier.


Assessment Framework

Theory is one thing; real-life implementation is a whole “nother kettle of fish!” So, we cover a series of 5 assessment questions using our custom SLICK framework. These questions will help you determine at any time, in any given situation, whether you are on the right track and correct the course if required.


Self-Regulation Strategies

& Tools

Starting with this module, it’s all about strategies and tools! Do you get easily triggered by your kids and struggle to stay calm when they push your buttons? We’ve got you covered with 8 powerful tools so you can become a CALM parent! Plus, we show you how to teach these to your KIDS, so they can start learning self-regulation too!


Connection Strategies

& Tools

Want to PREVENT unsavory behavior from happening in the first place and set the stage for a family where kids VOLUNTARILY behave better? Then you need to strengthen your relationship with your kids and have a strong connection with them! In this module we include 6 highly effective tools to do just that!


Behavior Guidance Strategies & Tools

Is your children’s behavior getting out of hand? Do you want to set a BETTER course for your family? Dive into this module to master 10 research-backed tools that are guaranteed to completely SHIFT the dynamics in your family!


Communication Strategies

& Tools

Power struggles, misunderstandings, disagreements, raised voices… So much of what goes wrong can be made RIGHT with effective communication. In this module, you’ll get 8 potent tools for transforming the way you communicate with your kids (Secret bonus: these work wonders on partners, co-workers and overbearing in-laws too!)


Conflict Resolution Strategies & Tools to Teach Kids

Constant conflict can be so frustrating, whether we’re fighting with our kids, or they’re fighting with each other. But it doesn't have to be that way! This module builds on the Communication Strategies in Module 7 and provides 5 additional tools to resolve conflict, all of them designed to bring LASTING peace into your family! 


Worry, Anxiety and Stress Management Strategies & Tools

Worry and stress affect us all, and our kids are not immune to the anxiety that accompanies modern life either. Because of this, we’ve dedicated an entire module to addressing this issue, with 6 unique, proven tools that will get you quick and long-lasting relief!


Putting It All Together with Example Scenarios

Throughout the CPPT program we have been very intentional about including a LOT of real-world examples so you’ll know EXACTLY how to implement all of this in YOUR family. In this final module, we take it one level further by pausing, rewinding and examining several real world scenarios STEP BY STEP. We explore what traditional parenting would look like in these scenarios and demonstrate how you can use the foundational principles, the assessment framework, and the strategies and tools from this program to completely change the course of how the situations play out.

This all adds up to a powerful blueprint with 43 unique, effective, and proven Positive Parenting strategies and tools woven into an easy-to-use framework!

And you not only get LIFETIME access to all of these, but you’ll also get all the updates that we add in the future.

And That’s Not All! We Also Have Some Incredible Bonuses For You!

Despite creating the most comprehensive program on Positive Parenting, it would still be presumptuous of us to assume that we can be the be-all and end-all option for you to learn from.

So we are including for you 4 amazing bonuses!

Access to Our Extensive Masterclass Library of 102 High-impact Masterclasses With Top Parenting Experts for 6 Full Months!

Want a deeper dive into the foundational principles? Want to understand what drives your behaviors and that of your kids? Want shortcuts for behavior change? Want to explore commonly occurring issues and solutions?

We've got you covered on all fronts, and then some!

Here are all the masterclasses you get:

Dr. Tina Bryson

Power Of Showing Up Masterclass

Dr. Laura Markham

Peaceful Parenting Masterclass

Hal Runkel

Screamfree Parenting Masterclass

Dr. Lawrence Cohen

Playful Parenting Masterclass

Dr. Mona Delahooke

Understanding Behaviors Masterclass

Dr. Ross Greene

Collaborative & Proactive Solutions Masterclass

Joanna Faber & Julie King

Parenting 2-7 Year Olds Masterclass

Dr. Daniel J. Siegel

Parenting Adolescents Masterclass 

James Clear

Behavior Change Masterclass

Julie Lythcott-Haims

Fostering Independence Masterclass

Greg McKeown



Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Conscious Parenting Masterclass

Lynn Lyons

Breaking Free from Anxiety Masterclass

Shawn Achor

The Science of Happiness Masterclass

Amy McCready

Me, Me, Me Epidemic Masterclass

Dr. Peg Dawson

Executive Skills


Plus, 86 MORE amazing masterclasses!

Each of these masterclasses is based on a popular parenting book, and we’ve done the heavy lifting for you by poring through the books and condensing the ideas into quick hour-long masterclasses that you can listen to while doing your laundry, walking the dog, exercising, or commuting.

This is the fastest way to supercharge your parenting on a broad range of topics!

LIVE coaching calls with different subject matter experts for 6 Full Months!

The CPPT program and the masterclasses are unlike anything you have ever encountered before. You’ll start looking at your children’s behaviors and your response to them in ways that you never have until now.

Which means, you’re going to have questions.

(Honestly, we’d be really concerned if you didn’t, because for most of us, this is a VERY different way to parent compared to how WE were parented!)

So we’ve got you covered.

We host LIVE coaching calls with different subject matter experts TWICE a month, so no matter what your concerns are, you have a place to get answers from TOP experts in that SPECIFIC FIELD. And you can join as many of these calls as you want for 6 full months!

Get direct coaching from experts for YOUR specific issues, so you NEVER feel “stuck” again!

Access to past call recordings and premium workshops for 6 Full Months!

We've had over 100 live calls so far, covering every topic our community needed help with.

Fear not about missing out on these though!

You get access to a searchable database of ALL the past recording calls! And the full archive of our premium workshops!

Here are just a few of the calls you might find interesting:

Judy Arnall

Discipline Without Punishment Workshop

Lynn Lyons

Handling Anxiety Coaching Call

Julie King

Getting Kids to Listen

Coaching Call 

Dr. Bethany Cook

Parenting a Child With ADHD Coaching Call

Emily Learing

Dealing With Defiance


Dr. Lawrence Cohen

Moral Development in Kids Premium Workshop Series

Dr. Carrie Contey

Handling Our Emotions

Coaching Call 

Arlene Pellicane

Kids and Screens Coaching Call

Plus, 100+ MORE coaching calls and premium workshops you can explore!

Access to our member-only Facebook group for 6 Full Months!

We are BIG believers in the power of community.

In real life we have no control over the kind of parents who surround us and the unsolicited advice they give, but in the virtual world, we can surround ourselves with like-minded parents who can build us up and help us become the BEST possible version of ourselves.

So, as a final bonus, you get 6 full months of access to our member-only Facebook group of dedicated, positive parents who will uplift you every single day.

It's a safe haven where you can glean advice (or give it!), learn a new tactic (or share one!), or simply chat and laugh about the weird and wonderful world of parenting with other like-minded parents who get you and will always have your back!

So yes. When we say that this is THE most comprehensive program that will help you make a COMPLETE positive parenting transformation, we really do mean it!

You’re In Good Hands! My Team and I Have Been Creating Magical Positive Parenting Transformations For Over a Decade

Hi, there. My name is Sumitha, and I’m a mom, a Positive Discipline Certified Instructor, and the founder of A Fine Parent.

For over a decade now, my team and I have had the honor of supporting thousands of parents who are struggling with the everyday challenges of parenting, but know deep down that there IS a better way to raise happy, resilient, confident kids!

They recognize that parenthood can be a source of joy, not a constant struggle. And that you can shift from mere survival mode to actually thriving, so you can savor those precious, fleeting moments with your children.

But for one reason or the other, they’ve become stuck.

We understand where they are, and how overwhelming the fear, the doubts and the accompanying guilt can be. 

And we help them snap out of it. Because we’ve been there too!

All of us here at A Fine Parent are parents too, and we’ve all struggled at one point or another, trying some quick fix a friend told us about, or madly searching Google only to come up against a sea of conflicting opinions and unreliable advice.

We understand how frustrating it can be to put in all the effort only to see no lasting change.

We know how draining it can be to resort to yelling, or punishments that don't work, or falling down the rabbit hole of bribes in exchange for good behavior that only lasts until the next bribe.

Navigating the complexities of modern life is tough. For both parents and kids!

But calmly and confidently raising cooperative, responsible kids and equipping them with the essential life skills they’ll need to navigate life gloriously IS possible!

You need a fresh perspective and proven techniques that truly make a difference.

You need practical tools to foster open, respectful communication and create a stronger bond between you and your children.

You need support and community to cheer you on when things get rough.

And we’re here to provide it!

Join us in the Complete Positive Parenting Transformation Program and experience calm, confident, and enjoyable parenting, just like the thousands of parents in our community whom we support each day!

Here Is a Tiny Glimpse at The Many Different Transformations Reported By The Parents We Help

I was just telling my husband … that I wanted a guide for children like the ones you need to drive a car or do much of anything else! And here it is! Thank you Sumitha for all of your dedicated hard work and research. It was so nice to dedicate 1 or 2 hours a day to learning lessons while I cleaned and did the dishes. I have had almost a full week of no hitting of my children and I’m working on my temper too. Thank you so, so, much.

Ranae B.

I've noticed a distinct change in how my 11-year-old handles situations that upset him and I think it's all due to the peaceful way I approach things now. We talk and ask questions instead of threaten with punishments and it's really made a difference. #littlevictory 

Stacy E.

I got my kids to help me design a timetable with what they need to take to school each day for their classes and activities and we stuck it on the inside of the front door. It’s now up to them to make sure they have everything they need when they leave the house each day. They’ve responded really well to having to take responsibility for themselves - and I am much less stressed in the mornings! #littlevictory 

Natalie W.

I have a strong-willed child at home and the advice that you had for parents of strong-willed children really resonated with me! Thank you!

Jyotika B.

I admit to being a bit overwhelmed by the wealth of information that was shared … but at the same time, I was even more relieved to know that A Fine Parent is here; and has their finger on the pulse of what parents like me struggle with, and need. Thank you for being such a valuable partner in this journey of trying to raise up our kids well. I appreciate you.

Cindy K.

I have avoided meltdowns in just a few days by applying just two of the many techniques shared. I even managed to diffuse the kids’ “sibling fights” with just a simple conversation. We all moved on and were calm in less than a minute. Thank you so much!

Coralie G.

Loved the vast amount of knowledge on differing topics. I learned so many new tools to help my toddler get through her feelings.


I absolutely love the down to earth presenters who don’t tell you everything you’re doing wrong, but admit none of us are perfect and give practical advice and strategies to better our parenting.

Stephanie H.

Let's Recap!

When you enroll in the Complete Positive Parenting Transformation Program you'll receive instant access to all the learning and support you need to be the exceptional parent you've always wanted to be, so you can support your kids in the way they need! 

10 Exceptional Training Modules with foundational principles, an easy-to-use assessment framework, and 43 practical, research-backed strategies and tools to support your Positive Parenting Transformation! (a $1,000 value)

BONUS 1 - Access to the masterclass library with 102 expert masterclasses for 6 full months (a $3,774 value)

BONUS 2 - Twice monthly live coaching calls with different subject matter experts for 6 full months ($444 value)

BONUS 3 - Access to the recordings of past coaching calls and premium workshops for 6 full months! ($1,297 value)

BONUS 4 - Access to our private Facebook group of like-minded parents for 6 full months (just priceless!)

This makes everything (that we can estimate the value of)

over $6,000! ($6,515 to be exact!)

But don’t worry. That’s not what you’ll pay!

Our philosophy here at AFineParent.Com is that we ALWAYS offer AT LEAST 10 TIMES more value than what we charge for any of our programs.

So instead of $6,515, your cost for the CPPT program is just $647.

And with our Fast Action Special right now, you can save even more and join us for only $347. 
Or, 4 easy payments of $97!

Enroll in the CPPT Program NOW!

Get started for as low as $97 USD today

Pay in Full


(ONLY With The Fast Action Special)

Pay Over Time


Per Month for 4 Months

(ONLY With The Fast Action Special)


You get INSTANT access to all 10 Modules in the Complete Positive Parenting Transformation Program and all the bonuses as soon as you sign up. Dive in and see for yourself what a difference they can make to you and your family!

We believe in what we do and strive to put out in the world only what we think is of the highest quality. If for any reason you feel that the CPPT Program isn’t a good fit for you, simply let us know within 30 days, and we will issue you a 100% refund. No questions asked. No hassles. No hard feelings.

Fair enough?


How much time is this going to take?

We’ll be honest with you. This is NOT going to be an overnight transformation. But, you already knew that, right?

We are talking about replacing generational cycles of ineffective family patterns with completely new positive, supportive, uplifting dynamics that WORK for both us AND our kids!

Of course it’s going to take time!

But here’s our promise: We are going to make this as easy for you as ANYONE possibly can.

The whole CPPT program is created as a series of quick, bite-sized lessons, so you can fit them in your schedule no matter how busy you are. Just set aside 5-10 minutes each day to watch one lesson video, and try the ideas in your family. Rinse and repeat. 

What if I don't have the time right now?

It’s true that going through this program will require some time commitment, but in the long run, it actually GIVES you a LOT of your time back!

How much time could you save in the morning if you don't have to chase after your kids to get ready for school, and instead they take ownership of their mornings and are ready to leave on time, all by themselves?

How much time do you save if you don't have to nag your kids about chores and they just simply do it?

How much time do you save by not being involved in their homework or school projects any more?

How much time can you save if they own their bedtime routines?

You might even end up with so much time that you'll choose to snuggle with them for a few minutes every night!

Taking this course is the best thing you can do if you DON'T have time, because it GIVES you back the time you are wasting on ineffective parenting strategies.

Can’t I figure out all of this on my own?

Of course you can! This is not rocket science!!!

Let me ask you this though…

We have our kids with us for only around 18 years. How much of that time are you willing to throw away on trial and error?

We’ve done the work already and collected all of these strategies and tools in ONE place and made it easy to master.

Why reinvent the wheel?

Will this work for my child who is deeply feeling / sensitive / strong-willed / anxious / not neurotypical?


Over 6 decades of rigorous research has shown that ALL children can benefit greatly from an Authoritative Parenting Style, which is what we are trying to achieve with these Positive Parenting strategies and tools!

In fact, we personally believe that children who are not “typical” tend to benefit the most when you embrace a more Positive Parenting style. Because these children are often the most misunderstood and carry around a lot of labels like “difficult” or “stubborn” or “disruptive” or “oppositional”... and when you approach from a place of empathy, kindness, curiosity and a willingness to really understand them and help them, there’s magic that happens.

They’re not going to become angels overnight, but the day-to-day interactions tend to flow a heck of a lot more smoothly and over time, they learn to be so much more confident, resilient, joyful and better-adjusted!

We have a lot of parents in our community with a mix of “easy” children and “difficult” children (in quotes!), and they tell us all the time that these principles work equally well for all of them!

Now the strategies and tools you use will differ for different kids… and that’s why we have the most comprehensive collection of strategies and tools for you, and your kids.

What format is the CCPT in?

The Complete Positive Parenting Transformation Program is composed of recorded videos that you can watch or listen to on any computer or smart device.

When you enroll, you’ll immediately receive a link with username and password to access the program.

What age group of kids is the CPPT targeted to?

The ideas, strategies, and tools that we cover in the CPPT program – Self-Regulation, Communication, Conflict Resolution, etc., apply to kids from birth - 18 years (and beyond!) That said, the ways to implement these ideas differ for different age groups, and we cover those with specific examples within the Lessons. So for instance, when we’re talking about being both Kind and Firm, we have specific examples for what this looks like and how it plays out at different ages

How long do I have access to the CPPT material?

When you enroll in the Complete Positive Parenting Transformation Program you have LIFETIME access to all 10 training modules and any future updates and additional Lessons.

Plus, you will have 6 MONTHS access to the incredible Bonuses (the Masterclass Library, the Live Coaching Calls, the Call Archive, and the private member-only Facebook group).

Still have questions?

Send us an email at and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Here's The TL;DR Bottom Line

If you’ve tried every parenting trick you can think of, but nothing seems to stick…

If you want a deeper connection with your children, but feel like you’re constantly battling them instead…

If you’ve ever wondered, “Am I doing this right?” and just want some clear, practical guidance…

If you want to replace yelling with effective communication and connection…

If you want to raise resilient, confident children in a world full of challenges…

If you’ve ever felt like you’re just ‘surviving’ parenthood instead of truly enjoying it…

If you believe in the potential of positive parenting but need a guiding hand to make it a reality…

Then let us help you just as we have with thousands of other parents!

What do you have to lose?

You're covered by our no-questions-asked, 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee!

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