Positive Parenting Conference 2019 is done!

A great big shout out to each and every one of the 73,421 parents who joined us and made this such a HUGE success!

We will be back in 2020 with another awesome event. 

Please sign up for our weekly newsletter here to learn more about it as and when it happens.

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Positive Parenting Conference 2019 Speaker Collage
Positive Parenting Conference 2019 Speaker Collage - Mob

100% Free.  100% Online.  100% Awesome.
73,421 Parents Are Joining Us! Are You In?

BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

Our Speakers Have Been Featured In

It's ironic, isn't it?

Before we have kids, none of us really thinks of learning about parenting.

And after we have kids, who has the time?

So technically, we're doing the hardest job in the world - raising human beings - with little or no prior training, some hearsay knowledge and a lot of 'gut feeling'!

Can you imagine a doctor or a plumber doing their job this way?

No wonder most of us default so often to nagging and yelling. And feel so lost and adrift. And unsure of what to do when faced with difficult situations. 

It's time to change that!

Over the course of 8 days from May 7th - 14th, 16 experts in parenting, neuroscience and psychology, with decades of research, clinical and personal experience are coming together to share tips, tricks and techniques that we parents can start using right away to raise happy, well-adjusted kids.

And the best part? It's FREE and fully online!

The core essence of the most popular books for parents brought to you for FREE directly by the book's authors in quick, easy-to-digest little bites... How can it get any better? Are you in?

BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

Masterclass List

May 07, 2019
Track #1: Solutions for Everyday Parenting

Dr. Laura Markham

Masterclass #1: Sibling Rivalry

  • Why Siblings Fight and Our Role in it as Parents (50:46)
  • How to Lay the Foundations for a Family Culture Rooted in Cooperation Instead of Competition (35:25)
  • Challenge Segment (06:16)

Best For: Parents who want their children to be friends and companions long beyond childhood.

Dr. Daniel J. Siegel

Masterclass #2: Parenting Adolescents

  • Understanding the Changes in the Adolescent Brain (40:17)
  • Mindsight Tools for Thriving in Adolescence (29:37)
  • Challenge Segment (06:32)

Best For: Parents of tweens and teens seeking to know how best to guide their child through this emotional and confusing time.

Joanna Faber & Julie King

Masterclass #3: Parenting 2-7 Year Olds

  • The Many Tools Available for Preventing Tantrums (47:17)
  • Tools for Parents of Kids Who Are Differently Wired (26:30)
  • Challenge Segment (10:47)

Best For: Parents of younger children who want to parent positively and without the challenging power struggles.

Kim John Payne

Masterclass #4: Handling Stress in Children

  • Impact of Stress on Children (33:34)
  • The Practical Nitty-Gritty Details of How to Simplify (34:45)
  • Challenge Segment (16:37)

Best For: Parents who want to simplify childhood for their kids now so they are better equipped to handle the world of their future. Also great for parents of kids with diagnoses (ADHD, ADD, OCD, ODD and other) for the strong underlying message of hope and positive change.

Alexandra Eidens

Product Highlight: The Big Life Journal

  • What is Growth Mindset, Why it is Important and How to Help Kids Develop It (30:57)

Best For: Parents who want to raise strong, resilient kids with an ingrained growth mindset.

May 08, 2019

FREE Bonus Catch-Up Day for Track #1 Masterclasses

May 09, 2019
Track #2: Relationship-Focused Parenting

Dr. Ross Greene

Masterclass #5: Collaborative & Proactive Solutions

  • A Case for Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (39:19)
  • A Step-by-Step Approach for Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (38:19)
  • Challenge Segment (06:00)

Best For: Parents who want to find positive, creative solutions to their children’s behavior, including solutions for children with emotional, social, or severe behavioral challenges.

Dr. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka 

Masterclass #6: Parenting Spirited Kids

  • Understanding Your Spirited Child So You can Joyfully Move Forward Together (32:25)
  • Managing Intensity (Both Yours and Your Spirited Child’s!) (32:51)
  • Challenge Segment (06:16)

Best For: Parents who have strong-willed or intense children and seeking a way to bring harmony, understanding and joy into their family lives.

Pam Leo

Masterclass #7: Decoding a Child’s Needs

  • Decoding your Child’s Needs Based on Their Behavior (27:42)
  • Role of Connection and Respect in Parenting (34:45)
  • Challenge Segment (10:10)

Best For: Parents seeking to decode their child’s behavior and find the unmet need that is driving their child to act out.

Ramona Zabriskie

Masterclass #8: “Forever” Relationships

  • The Basic Requirements of a “Forever” Relationship (40:00)
  • Attitudes of Dream Breakers vs. Dream Makers (57:51)
  • Challenge Segment (08:40)

Best For: Moms seeking to build a strong and resilient relationship with their partners while modeling a healthy relationship for their children.

Suzanne Tucker

Product Highlight: The Time-In ToolKit

  • What is a Time-In, Why It is Better Than a Timeout and How to Implement It In Your Family (46:07)

Best For: Parents who want to embrace a more positive approach to discipline; and/or parents who want to set up a beautiful "calm down corner" for their kids.

May 10, 2019

FREE Bonus Catch-Up Day for Track #2 Masterclasses

BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

May 11, 2019
Track #3: Habits & Life Skills

Julie Lythcott-Haims

Masterclass #9: Fostering Independence

  • How to Raise Independent and Capable Adults (41:39)
  • How to Raise Independent Critical Thinkers (25:11)
  • Challenge Segment (08:24)

Best For: Parents who want to avoid the helicopter parent trap and raise their children to be responsible, independent adults.

James Clear

Masterclass #10: Behavior Change

  • The Fundamentals of Behavior Change (43:27)
  • Behavior Change in Parents and Kids (Example Walkthroughs) (22:15)
  • Challenge Segment (04:22)

Best For: Parents wishing to establish healthy, productive habits for both themselves and their kids, while saying good-bye to the habits that aren’t working for their families.

Jessica Lahey

Masterclass #11: School Success

  • Role of Failure in Succeeding at School (25:15)
  • Handling Homework and Grades (32:34)
  • Forging successful parent-teacher partnerships (35:45)
  • Challenge Segment (07:29)

Best For: Parents who need encouragement in allowing their children to fail and how to build the partnerships that will help them learn from that failure and succeed in school (and life!)

Dr. Devorah Heitner

Masterclass #12: Navigating the Digital World

  • What Kids Need from Parents to Effectively Navigate the Digital World (35:21)
  • Mentoring in Action (Example Walkthroughs) (24:26)
  • Challenge Segment (07:15)

Best For: Parents with children starting to explore the Internet and the digital world – what you need to know and how to keep them safe.

May 12, 2019

FREE Bonus Catch-Up Day for Track #3 Masterclasses

May 13, 2019
Track #4: Happiness & Contentment

Shawn Achor

Masterclass #13: The Science of Happiness

  • Positive Psychology Findings that will Help Your Kids Become Successful in School and Life (34:02)
  • Positive Psychology Findings that will Make You a Happier, More Fulfilled Parent (27:51)
  • Challenge Segment (07:24)

Best For: Parents who want to use positive psychology techniques to make themselves more fulfilled parents and their children happier kids. 

Lynn Lyons

Masterclass #14: Breaking Free from Anxiety

  • Changing How We Think About Anxiety (35:16)
  • What to Do to Help Your Kids Break Free from Anxiety (37:28)
  • Challenge Segment (08:22)

Best For: Parents who want to help their kids break out of the “worry cycle” and develop healthy coping mechanisms to anxiety.

KJ Dell’Antonia

Masterclass #15: Happier Parenting

  • 10 Mantras for Happier Parenting (28:41)
  • Happier Mornings (26:39)
  • Happier Mealtimes (33:01)
  • Challenge Segment (05:52)

Best For: Parents who want to take the stress out of parenting and increase the happiness and harmony in day-to-day parenting situations.

Mercedes Samudio

Masterclass #16: Removing Shame from Parenting

  • Understanding the Effects of Shame on Parenting (23:37)
  • The Shame-Proof Parenting Framework and Manual (29:26)
  • Overcoming Parenting Defense Mechanisms and Growing as a Parent (18:16)
  • Challenge Segment (03:11)

Best For: Parents seeking to break out of the guilt and shame spiral that we so often feel and develop a more positive framework for shame-proof parenting.

May 14, 2019

FREE Bonus Catch-Up Day for ALL Masterclasses from ALL Tracks


BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

What Makes This Conference Unique

No Travel Required

The conference is completely online. Just register on this page and during the conference, we will send you a daily email with links to that day's masterclasses. You can view them from the comfort of you home. In your pajamas. With no makeup on. While eating a tub of decadent chocolate ice cream. Or not. Your call.

FREE and Flexible

The conference is completely FREE between May 07 - 14, 2019.
We publish 4 new masterclasses every other day with a FREE bonus catch-up day in between. So, no matter where you are or how busy your schedule is, you should be able to fit these masterclasses in. So go ahead, watch them anytime, anywhere and in any timezone!

Incredible Speakers

Our expert speakers are all published authors of popular books that you would love to read if you had the time! With backgrounds in parenting, neuroscience and psychology, they cover the topics both in breadth as well as depth. Each of them by themselves is amazing, but what they bring to the table together is just priceless!

Masterclasses, NOT Talks

We've spent tons of time reading through the selected books and discussing with the experts how best to offer the most value in each talk. Consequently, these aren't just "talks" anymore but rather masterclasses with incredibly practical and useful tips that will transform your parenting!

You're in Control

Ever been stuck at the back at a conference and couldn't follow a word the speaker said? Or next to someone who had an opinion about every. single. thing? Well, guess what... not only will you have the best seat at this conference, but you can also pause, rewind and forward! How cool is that?

We've Got You Covered

Are you a new mom, or a an old hat? Do you have just one kid, or seven? Have you just heard about positive parenting, or have you been practicing it for ages? Are you single, married, have a partner or co-parent? No matter where you are, we've got you covered with all the support you need.

Bonus Conference Takeaways eBook for Continued Transformation Beyond the Conference!

We don't want you to just watch a bunch of masterclasses. We want you to see real transformations in your families and to continue making those transformations long after the conference ends! To help you with this goal, we have put together an amazing FREE Key Takeaways from Positive Parenting Conference 2019 eBook.  

In the eBook, you will find -

  • 3 of our favorite takeaways for each masterclass resulting in 48+ expert tips you can start using right now
  • Guidance for you to create a personal action plan for each masterclass
  • Accountability to carry out the speaker's challenge for each masterclass
  • Printable list of all the books featured in the conference
  • Printable checklist of all the speaker challenges

Everyone who registers for the conference gets the FREE eBook immediately. 

It's transformations like these that keep parents coming back to the Positive Parenting Conference year after year, making it one of the most popular and fastest growing online conferences for parents. See for yourself what the hype is all about!


BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

What People Had to Say About Past Conferences

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the conference held? Do I have to travel?

How do I access the masterclasses?

What if I can't watch all the masterclasses on the day they are published?

What time zone are you in? I am worried that I won't be able the watch the masterclasses since I am in a different country/timezone...

How much does it cost to attend the conference?

How can I make the most of the conference?

What if I want to watch the masterclasses after the conference ends?


BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

BONUS: Get INSTANT access to the Conference Takeaways eBook for FREE!

Meet Your Host

Hi, My name is Sumitha and I am a regular parent like most of you.

Before I had my daughter, I honestly didn't give much of a thought to parenting. After all, parents have done this for ages... how hard can it be, right? 

Oh, how naive I was!

My daughter challenges me every step of the way. She is my joy one minute and a source of abject exasperation the next. Raising her has made me come face to face with the depth of my character and the shallowness of it. I revel in my strengths one moment and the next, I am moved to tears by my weaknesses.

In 2013 I started AFineParent.Com to make sense of it all. Its been a fascinating and fulfilling few years since! This conference is in some sense a culmination of everything I set out to do then -- be curious, learn, keep an open mind and find a way to really enjoy the journey while finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

I hope you find as much value in participating in this conference, as I did in putting it together!

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