Get the Premium Recording Package with LIFETIME access to all 20 life-altering talks + cool bonuses

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Top Reasons Why People Get the Premium Recording Package:
1. Convenience
You own the recording package! So, you can watch the talks in any order, when you want, where you want.
2. LIFETIME Availability
New challenges come up as kids grow. With these talks, you'll always have solutions at the tip of your fingers!
3. Incredible Bonuses
Downloadable audio, printable summaries and bonus workshops are included ONLY in the recording package!
4. Risk-Free Discount
The earlier you buy, the better the discount. Plus, your investment comes with 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
What's Included In the Premium Recording Package...
20 Life-Altering Video Talks
Track #1: Connection-Based Parenting

Rebecca Eanes
Solution-Oriented Discipline: How to Raise Kind and Capable Kids Instead of Momentarily Compliant Ones

Dr. Laura Markham
How to Stay Connected With Your Kids When They Are At Their Worst

Alissa Marquess
5 Easy Rituals to Build a Strong Connection with Your Kids

Patty Wipfler
A Simple Solution to Fight Parenting Overwhelm
Track #2: Solutions for Modern Day Parenting

Amy McCready
How to Break Your Child Free From the Entitlement Epidemic

Dr. Victoria Dunckley
A Look at the Latest Research on Screen-time and How to Protect Your Kids

Dr. Peter Gray
Why You NEED to Give Your Child Ample Time for Free Play (Backed by Science)

Lenore Skenazy
How to Parent Bravely in a Culture of Fear
Track #3: Research Guided Parenting

Dr. Becky Bailey
Why Kids Misbehave and How to Respond Using Conscious Discipline

Dr. Michele Borba
How to Raise Kind, Compassionate and Empathetic Kids (and Why It Is the Best Thing You Can Do for Them)

Dr. Tina Bryson
How to Help Your Child Develop a "Yes" Brain

Dr. Melanie Greenberg
How to Combat Parenting Stress (Backed By Science)
Track #4: Habits & Life Skills (Part 1)

Dr. Deborah Gilboa
Key Responsibilities EVERY Child Should Know How to Shoulder

Maryann Jacobsen
How to Help Your Child Overcome Picky Eating

Leeza Steindorf
How to Teach Your Kids the Fine Art of Conflict Resolution

Holly D. Reid
5 Important Money Lessons Every Parent Must Teach Their Kids
Track #5: Habits & Life Skills (Part 2)

Katie Hurley
How to Keep Our Daughters from Falling Victim to the Perfect Girl Syndrome

Susan Greenland
How to Be More Mindful and Take Kids Along on the Ride

Amy Morin
How to Be a Mentally Strong Person and Raise Resilient Kids

Douglas Haddad
How to Raise Remarkably Self-Motivated Kids
4 Incredible Bonuses
Good Behavior Without Punishment
A 5-Part Mini-Workshop with Dr. Laura Markham

In this special bonus mini-workshop, Dr. Laura Markham helps us learn how to teach kids good behavior without using punishment. This mini-workshop contains 5 parts. Part one provides a general overview of concepts, and the next 4 parts look at several specific example scenarios provided by parents from our community, broken down by the age of the kids.
Handling Power Struggles
A 5-Part Mini-Workshop with Nicole Schwarz

In this special bonus mini-workshop, Nicole Schwarz and I discuss how best to handle power struggles with our kids. This mini-workshop contains 5 parts. Part one provides a general overview of concepts, and the next 4 look at several specific example scenarios provided by parents from our community, broken down by the age of the kids.
Downloadable Audio for Each Talk

This one's for you, multi-taskers! Take the talks with you wherever you go. Listen while you commute, exercise, cook...
Printable PDF Summary for Each Talk

These include time stamps from the video! Perfect for quick lookups, ready notes or jotting down your own thoughts...
Our Speakers Have Been Featured In:

What's People Are Saying...

Frequently Asked Questions
How long are the talks?
Is there any "pitching" in the talks?
What is the target age group of kids?
How do I receive my Premium Recording Package?
Is there a shipping/processing charge for the Premium Recording Package?
What do I need for accessing the Premium Recording Package?
Can I give a Premium Recording Package as a gift?
How long do I have access to my Premium Recording Package?
Do you have transcripts available for the talks?
Who are these speakers and why should I care what they have to say?
How do I know this will work for me and my family?
Alright, sold. Am I protected by a refund gurantee though?
Why I host this conference each year...
Parenting is HARD!
There are not scripts. There is no manual. And there sure are no guarantees of any sort.
And to make matters even more difficult, no two kids are alike. Heck, even the same child will behave differently in different situations.
What is a parent to do?
Even before my daughter was 3, I found that we were already stuck in daily power struggles. Yelling and drama were the norm. I couldn't get through a single day without feeling stressed or guilty. I dreaded the thought of her teen years.
And then I stumbled upon an alternate way of parenting...
A school of thought that there is no need to ever punish a child. A belief that you can raise a child with respect and they will cooperate voluntarily. A conviction that you can form a relationship with your child so strong that it will withstand anything.
I decided to give it a shot.
My daughter is now almost 10 and while I can't tell you what her teen years will be like, I can tell you this without any hesitation -- I am no longer afraid.
We no longer have those monster power struggles. We respect each other and treat each other well. When we do get upset, we make things right. And no matter what storms life throws at us, I know our relationship will weather it. And weather it well.
We're happy in each other's presence. Parenting feels like a privilege. And it brings me a soul-deep sense of rightness and fulfillment.
That is the confidence I want to bring to you. That is the joy I hope you feel when you are with your kids. That is the sense of fulfillment I hope you experience.
These talks will bring it to you. Whether you are hearing about Positive Parenting for the first time, or you've been at this for a while now, these talks will be your life-long companion.
Something to learn from. Something to come back to. Something to inspire you. Something to help you stay on track.
Because yes, parenting is HARD. But nobody has to suffer for it.
You get INSTANT access to all the talks when you buy the Premium Recording Package. Watch them and see for yourself what a difference they can make to your family!
I believe in what I do and strive to put out in the world only what I think is of the highest quality. If for any reason, you feel that these talks aren't life-altering, simply let me know within 30 days, and I will issue you a 100% refund. No questions asked. No hassles. No hard feelings.
Fair enough?
Meet Your Host

Hi, My name is Sumitha and I am a regular parent like most of you.
Before I had my daughter, I honestly didn't give much of a thought to parenting. After all, parents have done this for ages... how hard can it be, right?
Oh, how naive I was!
My daughter challenges me every step of the way. She is my joy one minute and a source of abject exasperation the next. Raising her has made me come face to face with the depth of my character and the shallowness of it. I revel in my strengths one moment and the next, I am moved to tears by my weaknesses.
In 2013 I started AFineParent.Com to make sense of it all. Its been a fascinating and fulfilling few years since! This conference is in some sense a culmination of everything I set out to do then -- be curious, learn, keep an open mind and find a way to really enjoy the journey while finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
I hope you find as much value in participating in this conference, as I did in putting it together!
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