Whoa, time sure flies, doesn’t it? Our little blog will be 6 months old next month! If it were a baby, it would be trying to roll over about this time đ
In these first 5 months the website has served 52,361 pageviews to 21,732 unique visitors. Those are some decent stats for a new blog. The main reason we’ve been able to reach so many like-minded parents is because you guys adopted the idea behind this blog and shared it freely with your friends and family! Thank you so very much!
As a new blogger though, this growth has been both extremely exciting and scary to me. I’ve started spending hours stressing over how best to serve you and honor the trust you have placed in me by choosing to be a part of this community. I guess new bloggers are a little like new moms – we tend to worry a lot that we might be coming up short.
When I was talking about this with a close friend, she had a very simple suggestion – why not just ask you what you actually think/want?
At first that thought was pretty scary too :). But, when I mulled over it, it made a lot of sense. You tell me exactly what you like and dislike about the site the way it is right now, and what you want from it in the future. I put together the site based on your feedback (eliminating all the guessing, and stressing). And together, we create a valuable resource that any parent can benefit from. How cool is that?
So, I put together the short 6-question, open-ended, anonymous survey below. (You can also skip right past all the questions and use the âextra spaceâ at the bottom to offer any suggestions/critique you wish). Tell me whatâs on your mind (and your wish list). My ego would love for you to say some nice things, but what I really need at this time is to understand whatâs not working for you, any niggles youâd like to see resolved and suggestions for the future course from your perspective. I promise to take every comment as an opportunity for growth and incorporate as many suggestions as I can.
Thanks in advance for choosing to be the co-creators of this wonderful website! Here we go –
(Note: If you don’t see the embedded form below, please click here)
Parenting may be hard, but together, weâll create the ultimate resource that helps us bring on our A-games. Great parents are made, not born.
Looking forward to your responses!
With warm regards and gratitude,
Hi Sumitha,
I answered the questions and submitted but am not sure whether you got it?
Thank you so much, Geetha. This is an anonymous survey – so I cannot tell who a response is from. I’ve received several responses so far, so I think the form is working fine (phew!). When you submitted the form, did you see a “Thank you” message? If so, it should have gone through. Next time I will include a name field and make it optional so you have the choice to either identify yourself or stay anonymous. Since this is my first survey, I didn’t even think of it – sorry đ
Yes I saw the thank you message. I have used all the space provided and answered all the questions.
Thanks Geeta! I am seeing a lot of detailed responses. This is going to be so helpful in improving the site. I can’t thank you all enough!!!