I bet you’ve come across the term “positive reinforcement” before – but honestly, do you know what it really means? Better still, do you know how to apply it to go from the (*yawn*) nagging parent to a master motivator?
Some time back, I decided to jump onto the “positive reinforcement” bandwagon.
Except, it wasn’t really clear to me what exactly it is that I should be doing.
The worst part? The more I read about it, the more confused I got.
This article is the result of trying to sort through some of the confusion and figuring out how we can be masters of applying “positive reinforcement” to raise terrific, internally motivated kids.
(Note: If long, detailed articles aren’t your cup of tea just scroll down to the bottom of the article for a handy-dandy illustration that captures the gist of the article!)
Ok, let’s dive right in.
Use Praise/Reward Instead of Criticism/Punishment. Duh!
So, the first thing I understood is that I should use praise/reward instead of criticism/punishment. The argument is that criticizing or punishing often kills a child’s spirit and self esteem. If you focus instead on praise/reward you reinforce the child’s self worth and since children inherently want to please their parents, this will make them want to behave instead of misbehave.
A couple of tips to handle situation that necessitate criticism/punishment –
- Describe the situation instead of fixing blameFor example: Instead of screaming “I told you to sit down while eating your dinner. Now, look what a mess you’ve made […]”, try saying “If we don’t sit down when we eat, food falls everywhere and makes a mess”. Stop at that and get your child in the habit of cleaning his/her mess. And wait to catch at least one instance when the child eats without making a mess. And show your appreciation. Rinse, repeat, until things turn around.
- Say nothingChildren know when they have made a mistake. Instead of lecturing them, just take yourself out of the situation and let them work it out. Once they realize by themselves that they made a mistake and take ownership of it, they are less likely to repeat it. This may sound simple, but from my own experience, this is one of the hardest tips to follow!
- Express your feelingsInstead of lecturing, just express your feelings – “We need to leave now, baby. Otherwise mama will be late for work and get into trouble. And mama becomes sad if she gets into trouble…” Amazingly, this works a lot better than criticizing my daughter for being tardy when I bark out the marching orders as we try to get out the door in the mornings.
- Put things in perspective and let things slideThere, I said it! “Let things slide”…. For someone who is a bit (?) of a control freak, even saying this out loud is pretty painful. Most of the time, I can’t get myself to do this, but telling myself very often “She is just a 5 year old, if not 5-year-olds who else will […]”, does seem to help. 🙂
OK, so slowly I got in the habit of avoiding criticism and waiting to catch my daughter in the act of doing something good, and then showering her with praise.
Except, as I looked more into it, I began to read that –
a) Not all praise is created equal – i.e., there is a right way to praise and a not-so-effective way to praise; and
b) While it may result in good short terms gains, excessive praise may have some negative long term consequences.
Ohhhhhhhkay, moving on….
Praising the Right Way
When I started to focus on figuring out what is the right way to praise, here’s what I found out –
- Make the praise descriptive instead of genericFor example: Instead of a generic “good job!” say, “I like the way your shared the toy with your friend!” or “You did a good job cleaning up your toys today!” The equivalent of “good job” in adult terms is like saying “Let’s meet in downtown” whereas a descriptive praise is equivalent to saying “Let’s meet at the intersection of 2nd street and Colorado st.” — the latter is a whole lot more helpful, right?The logic behind this is that kids inherently need our attention. By telling them exactly what it is that they did right, we empower them with the knowledge of exactly what to repeat to get our attention again.
- Focus on the effort instead of the outcomeFor example: When you have no clue what the masterpiece that your toddler just handed you is, instead of faking “That’s so beautiful” say, “Wow, it looks like you put a lot of thought in it, what do we have here?” or “Wow, you used so many colors to make this picture so beautiful” etc.The logic is, by focusing on the effort instead of outcome, we can avoid raising praise junkies, whose sole intention is to finish the project to get praised by us instead of taking pride in their own effort and what they have accomplished.
- Focus on encouragement instead of judgementFor example: Instead of “I like that you cleaned up your room” which could send the signal that “mommy likes me only when I am being good” etc., say “You cleaned up all the toys! The room looks so clean and beautiful! Thank you!”The idea here is, instead of “I like” you focus on “You did” and then highlight the consequences and express your happiness about it. No, you don’t have to break up all your responses in that way as long as the general message you send your children is that they did something right that resulted in good consequences, instead of your opinion/judgement of the situation. This helps the children develop a sense of internal evaluation that lets them take responsibility for their action and pride in their achievements.
Raising Internally Motivated Kids instead of Externally Motivated Ones
So that leads us to the holy grail of what we should be doing as positively reinforcing parents – cultivate internally motivated kids instead of externally motivated ones.
Frankly, I am a long way off from getting to this point. I hope this month’s exercise in being positive, and specifically this week’s focus on positive reinforcement, will help me get a little closer. I just want to put a few options on the table based on what I have read. Please note that this is not all from experience (yet!) and this is by no means a comprehensive list. If you have a few additional tips, I would love to hear them – just drop a comment below!
OK, so, here we go –
- Acknowledge, but do not explicitly praiseIt sounds so simple, yet, it is very hard to let your child know that you agree what she did was right without resorting to platitudes like “good job!” or even descriptive praise like “I love that you cleaned your room”. But, once a good parent-child bond is established, you can just stand by the door of the clean room and smile appreciatively or pat your child on the head to let them know that yes, you do agree with their internal assessment that what they did is right, and that’ll do the trick.
- Ask questions, instead of jumping in with praiseWhile you work up the way to just a nod of the head, there are other options to let your child know that you have noticed without having to shower them with excessive praise. One of the suggestions by Dr. Alfie Kohn in the article Five Reasons to Stop Saying “Good Job!” is to just ask questions. So, in the example above, you could just describe what you see in the form of a question “Did you do some magic in here? This place looks so clean and neat!” or “Hey, it looks like put away all the toys back in their place! Did you figure out all by yourself what goes where?” and then let the kids describe with a beaming smile how they put away all the stuff and cleaned up the room. Then you can smile and pat their head 🙂
- Sum it up in one wordAnother option, as described in the book How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, the authors suggest that in place of praising, you could try to sum it up in a one word description. So, going back to the room cleaning example, you would describe some of the action like “You put all the toys back in their place. Now, that’s what I call organization!” or “You cleaned your room even before I had to remind you. That’s what is known as taking initiative! ”
- Say “Thank You”As pointed out by Dionna in the article 7 Alternatives to Telling Your Child “Good Job!”, many of the situations where we use “good job!” or empty praise are situations that makes our life easier. So, why not come out and say it? In the example above, “Thank you for cleaning up your room. Now, that’s one less thing I have to worry about when the guests arrive!” will convey a heck of a lot more than “good job!”
So there, we have the whole positive reinforcement spectrum. And here is a handy-dandy illustration of it.
(PS: If you like what you are reading, join our growing communityof fine parents to start making lasting changes in your family!)
Honestly, at least for me, going from Nagging/Criticism (“Sit down when you eat, you are making such a mess”) to whatever it is I need to be doing to get her to want to sit down and enjoy a meal in peace has not been easy. As far as I am concerned, my goal is to stay out of pink/red and make progress towards the green/blue.
Babysteps, remember?
The 2-Minute Action Plan for Fine Parents
Ok, so for our 2-minute action plan, here are the questions –
- Where on the positive reinforcement spectrum are you? (It is normal to be all over the place, even within the course of a single day, as we react differently to different situations. Just think of one time period – ex. this morning from breakfast to lunch and try to figure out what you did the most – punish, criticize, bribe, reward, praise, encourage or work towards an increased level of internal motivation?)
- What is the one thing you need to stop doing when you interact with your kids to start moving towards the right of the spectrum?
As always, I urge you to put it in writing. I firmly believe that the simple act of committing your thoughts to words can nudge you to make some progress. You can scribble it on a piece of paper, put it on your blog, your facebook status, tweet it or use the comments section below.
The Ongoing Action Plan for Fine Parents
Throughout the rest of the week, we will monitor our reactions. The one thing that we must focus on trying to completely avoid is criticism. After that, it is a matter of slowly moving the scale more and more to the right – one little sentence, one little act, one little response at a time!
I am learning like so many others in what to try to say or do correctly but some of these “experts” seem to make it more confusing for us. . . it’s similar to the don’t eat this, eat that and then later on find out the this wasn’t that bad for you afterall. O_o There seem to be so many books and people trying to correct things, it makes the task more daunting and slightly out of reach if you aren’t doing it “right”. Confusing but your description makes sense Sumitha. I’ll be working on it. . .
Thanks, Bernadette! Yeah, sadly, I think that is the curse of the information age… there is so much information about everything out there that makes it hard to (a) separate the valid resources from the ones that are just trying to stick up a website and hope to earn a few bucks from it, and (b) sort through the amazing information the “valid” sites offer without feeling like you are trying to drink out of a fire hydrant!
My hope is to sort through the information and present it to regular, everyday parents (including myself!) in a way that is simple, consumable and hopefully practical to implement in day-to-day parenting. You’re one of the earliest commenters on this blog — I hope I can count on you to set me right if I stray off course 🙂
Hi Sumitha,
Thank you for sharing your insights and understanding. Your blog is great. I will keep reading.
I am glad I discovered you guys while my kids are still young ( 2 boys, age 2.5 and 4.5). I don’t want any regrets that I raise “bad” kids. But like you said, old habits die hard. I revert back sometimes to what I know and how I was raised.
It has been hard for me the last 4 month while my husband is living away for work. I had a friend over for 12 weeks who tells me that there is something wrong with my kids. She said they fight all the time and throw tantrum too often. She was here to help but she ended up departing disliking the kids, especially my older one who is defiant and often times didn’t listen to her. I can’t blame my friend who is retired and not married and with no kids.
It was from that point on that I knew I have to somehow change myself and my ways of parenting, since the old way wasn’t working.
It took me some searching online before I found Dr Laura and then your blog.
I am truly grateful.
I am definitely all over the place, but working towards the blue end of the spectrum on your beautiful diagram. I’ve printed it out for my fridge, with some extra notes on techniques from the article.
I am way too comfortable down the criticism and judgement end of the spectrum and find myself slipping into that far more often than I want to. Right now I am going to work on stopping saying “Good job” and instead be more specific. I’m also going to work on including the kids more in getting things done. I’ve started but I keep stopping/forgetting/wanting to get things done faster, easier and my way!
Thanks Debra, for putting it so eloquently — “way too comfortable down the criticism and judgement end of the spectrum and find myself slipping into that far more often than I want to” just about sums up what I feel/do as well (and I’m sure a LOT of other parents too!)
And seeing your comment made me realize I haven’t committed to an action for this week 😉 Mine is to cultivate curiosity and ask questions to really understand and encourage my daughter to blossom; and to say a descriptive thank you when appropriate.
What a thorough resource! Thanks so much for gathering all of the material, and thanks for linking to me 🙂
Thanks, Dionna! Your article was very helpful to me in figuring things out – didn’t have a choice but to include it 🙂
Hello Sumitha,
Great article on Tiny Buddha-
I can tell that you are seeking to do the very best you can to raise your young daughter.
Kudos on really rolling up your sleeves and putting time into researching parenting.
I am soooo with you on this one. Today my eldest daughter turns 15. I am learning to proactively parent instead of being just reactive–with daily meditation to keep me centered and calm. It’s a world of difference. I wish I had that tool when both my daughters were little. But it is never too late to make a difference.
All we need to do is start exactly where we are today.
Thanks, Chesca!
And Happy Birthday to your daughter! 15… wow. I was already feeling quite wistful on my daughter’s 5th birthday… can’t imagine what 15 feels like. I know it’s going to catch up with us soon enough! 🙂
About your meditation practice… I’m very curious about it. It’s something that I’ve tried on and off a few times, but haven’t quite been successful at creating a habit out of yet. If you don’t mind sharing, how did you get started?
Nice post.
wow! Till this day i was thinking and doing what u r doing with positive attitude with kids still i fall short of tips everyday morning. This blog really a God’s Gift for me. Hats off to u and ur care for us. Way to Go dear! No doubt it is difficult and that too i have 16yr old prince who feels he is king of the world. 99 % of the time they want a friend who only wants help in case of a need. With growing technology kids love to be independent and it is great boon. WIN and WIN technique always helps me to start again, with a smile, in case of any difference of opinion, 100% i see to it that it ends up in a witty way ( witty wisdom ). It makes a huge positive difference in the whole atmosphere. They r so pure they do not especially like advice referring scriptures or well in advance advice. They want us to be SoS which never ask Why and What it only does the action of help. This understanding and practice has made a huge magic in my parenting . Just i feel i have kept the first step. I hope and wish ur future articles gives me strength to walk further with a satisfaction of being a good parent in my life. All the best and wishes my friend !
I’m so glad to hear that you’ve found inspiration through this site Latha! Thank you so much for sharing and providing me the support and encouragement in return. Good luck and keep at it!
Hi Sumitha,
Thanks for putting together such wonderful articles on fine parenting. The way you are so descriptive with examples of real life situation actually helps put things in perspective and understanding my daughter’s world and my own reactions.
I have a soon to be 5 girl and some of the articles on how to praise, stop yelling, handling tantrums are just what I needed right now. You detailed article on when
I’m facing a particular situation currently where a tantrum is triggered when she is in social circles with other kids over I need to be first, I need to be heard, I did not win, it’s not fair and so on… Have you faced similar situations where your otherwise peaceful kid is breaking down as according to the kid her friends seem to do something better than her. My concern is that she is not enjoying her own efforts and ending up feeling confused and upset.
Please let me know if you have come across such a situation and have some thoughts around it.
Awesome post!
Great article and interesting, thank you for sharing.
Nice thought really. Child motivation really important for child creativity. Thanks for such a lovely though. It will help kids mental growth.
your great article. thank you have shared.
I have three kids. The eldest child I raised using rewards and everything was fine, but when he was about 5 years old, he accumulated the amount he needed and refused to do chores. I couldn’t make him do anything else, because his already had a certain attitude to matters. Now he is 7 years old, it is impossible to force him to do household chores. I don’t know what to do. I am not ready to put pressure on him, as it affects the child’s mental health. With the second child, everything was somehow easy, he took the vacuum cleaner himself, helped clean the table and put away the toys. He repeated everything after me and I just praised him. The third child I raised using printable star reward charts. The son liked it, but the stars were constantly lost. Then we switched to the Manini app. Now the youngest child is 3 years old and we already know how to do a lot. I don’t scold him if he misses something or doesn’t want to do it.
Now I think about it and wonder how different all children are)
This post was such a game-changer for me! I’ve always struggled with finding the right balance between encouraging my kids and coming off as a nag. The tips about focusing on positive reinforcement and setting clear, achievable goals really resonated with me. I’ve already started applying some of these strategies, and I can see a noticeable difference in how my kids are responding. Thank you for the helpful advice!