As a behavior specialist, I am keenly aware of how difficult it is to practice at home what I preach at work.
At work it’s all about positive behavior interventions, proactive coaching, growth mindset, and staying calm in the face of crisis. I get home and some days, I am a model parent. And on others, it all flies out the window.
I know I’m not alone in this. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and embracing a positive parenting philosophy is often easier said than done.
But isn’t this where self-reflection and grace come in?
Our ability to self-reflect on the areas of positive parenting that could benefit from improvement is the first step towards growth.
The team from invites all of our amazing readers to start assessing your positive parenting skills by taking our FREE Parenting Skills Quiz.
The quiz is broken down by the age of your kids. For our parents with children of multiple age groups, pick the child that you are struggling with the most at this time. It’s the kids we struggle the most with that offer us the best growth opportunities!
Go ahead and click below to give it a spin…
➤ Quiz for Parents with Kids Ages 2 & Under
➤ Quiz for Parents with Kids Ages 3-6
➤ Quiz for Parents with Kids Ages 7-11
➤ Quiz for Parents with Kids Ages 12 & Up
Welcome back! Now that you have taken our parenting skills quiz, you have hopefully gained some insight into how amazing your strengths are and what areas you could focus on for improvement. We invite you to share your quiz results with our supportive community at Positive Parenting Village Facebook Group.
While we may not be able to guess your score, we are willing to take bets on one thing: you did not have a perfect score 🙂
Oh, don’t worry… That is a good thing!
It means you answered honestly! I mean we ARE all human- so a perfect score would most likely be an indication that you smudged reality (or you are a visiting alien from the perfect parent planet).
So Now What?
The beautiful advantage of understanding the areas of parenting that we can improve upon is that we can put purpose behind small, actionable steps towards that improvement. If we can commit to clear goals in even just one skill area, then we are already moving in the direction of positive change!’s FREE annual online Positive Parenting Conference is an amazing way to get started with small steps of improvement. Our conference this year features 20 amazing expert masterclasses, each based on a popular book in parenting and personal development. This is just what you need to make those small improvements and take your parenting to the next level!
Join us in the journey to positive parenting at the FREE online 2021 Positive Parenting Conference between May 18th – 25th 2021!
Here is the full list of masterclasses we are sharing this year:
Just like our previous years, all masterclasses are inspired by a popular book in parenting or personal development.
During the course of the conference from May 18 – 25, 2021 you can watch as many of these as you want for FREE.
And they are completely ONLINE, so you can join us from wherever you are.
I hope we’ll see you in there!
Wow. What a cool self assessment tool and I love how they are age targeted to see if your style really is what you think it is! Thanks for the quiz!
such great tips, i’ve been struggling the same thing about parenting because i was born from a broken home parents and being a parent is always confusing for me since i never close to my parent. thanks !