How many of you woke up this morning thinking “I wonder what I can do today to undermine my children, subvert their effort, turn them off learning and limit their achievement”?
Not one of you, I bet!
Almost universally, what we parents want is — a) for our kids to grow up to be happy, healthy and well-adjusted in life and b) to find success in whatever it is they do. And we want to do our best to help them get there.
Yet, according to Dr. Carol Dweck, psychologist and author of the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, many of the the techniques we use to “help” our kids, boomerang. Often, we end up sending our kids the exact opposite message than what we intend to!
[Note: If reading the lines above gave rise to a sudden uneasy feeling in you and your fingers are twitching to hit the back button or close this browser page, hang in there. This article may be more helpful to you than you expected…]