“Mom, do I really have to invite him to my party? I don’t like him!”
Have you ever had these awkward conversations with your child?
Yes, I’ve been there too!
Here’s the thing — not everyone we come across in our lifetime will be a peach. We won’t get along with all of them nor really enjoy being around all of them.
That however does not give us the license to be mean or rude.
Being able to deal with those who we don’t see eye-to-eye with in a healthy, respectful manner is essential to being a decent human being. And that is what I want to raise my kids to be.
Besides, research shows that good social skills – the ability to interact with all kinds of people, including those whom we may not like – is key to career success… from being able to ace an interview to securing funding for entrepreneurial ventures.
So, it is in our best interest to teach our kids how to deal with other kids they don’t like.
After some digging around, here’s what I’ve found to be a good approach –