Here is a quick preview of Lenore Skenazy’s talk from the Positive Parenting Conference 2018.
In this talk titled How to Parent Bravely in a Culture of Fear, Lenore and I discuss:
- How in a short span of a few decades we have gone from parents who trust kids and the society, to a culture of fear, worry, anxiety, hovering and helicoptering
- Lenore’s brush-in with this culture of fear in a massively public way and how she found the courage to not just stand for what she believes in, but also started the Free Range Kids movement along the way
- The benefits of the Free Range Kids movement and the Let Grow project for kids, and for parents!
Do you feel sad that our kids don’t have the kind of carefree childhood we had? Do you wish you could give them at least some of the independence and freedom we enjoyed? If you answered ‘yes’ to either of those questions, this is definitely your kind of talk!