There are just too many myths about parenting that need to be dispelled. They are not helpful and only deplete parents’ confidence in how they raise their child. Once they get called out and we address them you will feel so much more confident and lighter. So let me share with you some truths to help relieve some of your potential angst.
Good parents put their children’s needs first
The belief that children should come first is a complete fallacy. I know, you are thinking I am out of my mind. “How can I say such a thing!?” But the reality is that if you do not put your needs first you will be completely depleted and will not have the energy to be calm, thoughtful and patient when your child misbehaves and needs you the most.
When you understand how important it is to get your needs met and are clear on how to schedule your needs into your daily life you will be fueled to be the best parent, partner, employee, etc
Take a look at your calendar this week and add in one thing that is just for you. (Yes, right now please) It can be a 10-minute walk, ordering a special coffee, working out, showering, calling a friend or even something luxurious like a night away. After scheduling that one self care item notice how you feel for the rest of the day and how you respond to your child. Scheduling small things often into your daily, weekly and monthly calendar WILL change the way you feel and how you respond to your child.