Kids are naturally selfish – me, me, me and mine, mine, mine. Not surprising: in the early months and years, it is all about them. So how do we teach our kids to think of others and to treat other people with kindness and compassion?
Kindness and compassion are rooted in empathy and stem from the golden rule of treating others how we wish to be treated ourselves.
Some days, though, I can spout the golden rule ‘til the cows come home and yet it feels like it never sinks in. You encourage compassion, you support acts of kindness, and you try your best to demonstrate empathy, and yet five minutes later the kids are arguing over who sets the table more often and wrestling over the Xbox controllers.
“Be nice to your sister!” you say. “Don’t talk that way to your brother!”
“Blah, blah, blah,” is what they hear.