Diapers, no sleep, carpool, calls from the school nurse, sports, cooking, yelling, begging, pleading, dating, still no sleep, prom, work, college…
And then all of a sudden – the nest is empty. The world around you is strangely quiet.
Where did all the time go? Where did my babies go? Will they ever come back to me?
While I know that in life there are no guarantees; I also believe we can raise our kids in a way that when they get older there is a good chance they will still love to hang out with us.
My husband and I may have got a few things wrong while raising our kids. We also did a lot right during this time. One of the most important one has been establishing a rock solid foundation for our relationship with all four of them.
Today, I want to share nine things that I truly believe helped us connect with our kids when they were little that have helped us stay close even now when they are grown.